Install Hubot on Centos 6.4 64bit

 Dec 18, 2013

Hubot from Github is a great tool for both fun and automation. We trialled it along side our HipChat trial by installing it onto a free Heroku instance. To give us more flexibility when we went live we moved it to a Digital Ocean droplet along side our testing environments. Here’s how it went.


Hubot is a Node.js application, so we need to prep the server to enable it to run, obviously by installing Node.js


First off, its usually a good idea to ensure you have the latest versions of everything

yum -y update

As we’re going to be building the latest Node.js from source (the one in the yum repos is a bit old) we will need various build tools. The easiest way to get these installed is via a group install.

yum -y groupinstall 'Development tools'

 Installing Node.js

Now we have everything in place we’re good to install Node.js. I usually keep my software sources in /usr/local/src/ so lets move into that directory now

cd /usr/local/src

Next we need to fetch the latest version of Node.js from the website at Right click on the Source Code and save the link location. At the time of writing this was

Now lets get this tar ball onto the server


Once the download is complete we need to unpack the file and switch into the directory that is created

tar -xzf node-v0.10.23.tar.gz
cd node-v0.10.23

The last three commands are familiar to anyone who has installed something from source before. The first prepares the compiler for the environment, the second compiles the source code and the last one installs Node.js system wide.

make install

You run each one by itself and let it complete fully, watching for any errors. If you have followed this section you shouldn’t have had any issues and will now have Node.js installed on your server. Happily in the later versions of Node.js the npm package manager is shipped so there is no longer a need to install that separately, which is nice as we’ll need that next.


If you haven’t come across CoffeeScript, in brief it is a great language that compiles down into Javascript. It has polarised developers who either love or hate it. Personally I’m in the former camp and always look for ways to work it into projects.


CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Underneath that awkward Java-esque patina, JavaScript has always had a gorgeous heart. CoffeeScript is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way.

Hubot is written in CoffeeScript and you will need to write any custom plugins using it. Therefore it’s the next thing we need to install.

npm install -g coffee-script

The -g switch in the command installs this as a global library for Node.js rather than a local one.


From their website

Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value store.

We are going to use Redis for Hubot’s brain, by which I mean persistent storage. I’m not going to cover using it in this guide, but Hubot will complain if it can’t find redid-server.

My droplet is a Centos 6.4 box, so I used the REMI repository to make it easy. Depending on the distro you are using you may have to find a guide, but there are plenty out on the internet as redis is a popular storage tool

1 Get the require yum repositories

rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh

2 Install

yum install redis -y

3 Start the server and ensure it starts on boot

service redis start
chkconfig redis on

At this point the server is prepped and ready to be used for our new Hubot install.

Install Hubot

Having done all our preparation the final step is relatively easy. First off we’re going to install hubot as a global Node.js module

npm install -g hubot

Then pick where you want your new bot to reside. I’ve used my home directory for this guide. Move into that location and create a new hubot and install it.

hubot --create hubot
cd hubot
npm install

The final command above installs the bot with its dependencies and the standard package of scripts that you can use with hubot.

Once this has completed, run the following command to check everything is working


Your new bot should start up and you can have a chat with it.

Hubot> hubot ping
Hubot> PONG
Hubot> hubot image me success

Note: Your image url will be different from the one here as Hubot will fetch something random for you

Keeping your Hubot running

Assuming you have done all over the above via an SSH tunnel, you may well be thinking how to keep your new bot running when you close the session down. Well there are many different ways you can do this, I’m going to offer two here.


The nohup command (or no-hangup) can prefix any command on the SSH session and it will leave it running when the session ends. In this example you would simply start your Hubot with

nohup ./bin/hubot

and then close the terminal tab/window to leave the service running. While this is certainly easy, it feels messy to me so I personally prefer…


tmux is a “terminal multiplexer” and it is awesome. I use it every day as part of my general workflow (and will be writing about it in a separate post eventually), but for now I’ll simply say that it is perfect for this situation

Installing it is just another yum command away

yum install -y tmux

Start a new tmux session with the following command, which also names the session for easy reference later

tmux new -s hubot

At this point you will be running on a terminal in the multiplexer, rather than a normal one. There is practically no difference, but what you can do is simply run the command to start hubot normally, then exit this tmux session. Assuming no custom tmux configurations it would be the following

cd /path/to/hubot

If that last bit looks strange, well basically you hold the control key down and press b, release both and press d

The control-d tells tmux your next command is for it no the shell, then the d detaches the tmux session and leaves hubot running in the background.

And that’s it. For now anyway. You may want to investigate other ways to keep hubot running, and you may want to look at tools that will restart it if it fails for any reason. Automation is key here, and the Readme on the hubot Github repo has some information about that, just follow the link to Installing on Unix

Now that Hubot is installed and running, what to do with it. Well, integrating with a chat service allows you to chat with your bot and get it to run tasks and add a little fun to your group. At work we started using HipChat, so I’m going to cover how I integrated our hosted Hubot with HipChat.


HipChat is a group chat, IM and file sharing tool for teams. Adding Hubot to it increases the functionality drastically. From the social/fun side of bombarding colleges with pictures of pugs, to enabling a deployment pipeline that is accessible to the whole team, not just those with server access.


Getting Hubot to access HipChat isn’t too hard, but first we need a couple of dependencies on the server.

yum install -y libicu-devel compat-expat

Next we’re going to stop our Hubot and make some changes to its source. Now if you used the tmux suggestion in the previous section then you need to get back into your session

tmux a -t hubot

This command reattaches your current SSH session to the tmux session named hubot. You should now see the running bot, hit control-c to shut it down.

Now we need to install the HipChat adapter for hubot, which can be done via Node.js. This assumes you are in the hubot directory.

npm install --save hubot-hipchat

Now, in order for hubot to connect to HipChat, it needs a HipChat user. So off to the admin panel and create a user. The first thing you need to do after creating the bots user on HipChat is to login and look at the XMPP/Jabber page for the accounts Jabber ID which will look something like Make a note, you’ll need this in a minute.

Right, back in the terminal, we’re going to create a new start up script for Hubot which handles connecting to HipChat.

In the hubot dir create a new file called and add the following to it



bin/hubot --adapter hipchat

Put the Jabber ID we noted earlier into the first environment variable and the password for the HipChat account into the second then save the file.

Lastly, make the new start up script executable with chmod

chmod +x

Now to start hubot use ./ instead of the ./bin/hubot. This sets up the environment variables and starts hubot using the HipChat adapter.

If everything is working you should see the following:

[Wed Dec 18 2013 21:20:53 GMT+0000 (UTC)] INFO Connecting HipChat adapter...
[Wed Dec 18 2013 21:20:55 GMT+0000 (UTC)] INFO Connected to as @Hubot
[Wed Dec 18 2013 21:20:55 GMT+0000 (UTC)] INFO Data for brain retrieved from Redis
[Wed Dec 18 2013 21:20:56 GMT+0000 (UTC)] INFO Joining

Your bot should now be logged into your HipChat channel and will respond to @Hubot requests within group chats or hubot requests in 1-to-1 chats.

Note: The @name will depend on the user account you set up in HipChat, and the HipChat adapter will take care of the rest