In this guide, I’ll walk through setting up a brand new Django project with the awesome Poetry dependency manager for Python.


Poetry is a dependency...

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A new role meant a change of language. After 3 years working with Ruby on Rails, and prior to that with PHP, I find myself working with a Python/Django...

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Using Twig in Yii2

 Apr 10, 2015

I was recently working on a project where the initial mockups were all built using Twig and a light weight Silex backend, but the actual application was built in Yii2. Rather than rebuild all the UI as Yii2 views, I looked into utilising the Twig elements I already had. It was a lot easier than I hoped to integrate Twig into Yii2 and I didn’t loose out on any of Yii2’s powerful view features.

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I do a lot of development, and pretty much run everything locally using Vagrant. For basic stuff http://localhost:3000 is fine, but what happens when I need lots of sub domains or multiple VM’s running… here’s my journey to solving this problem and some of the suggestions I came across.

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I’ve been doing a lot of data clean up recently and writing quick Ruby tools that parse array’s of data hashes to produce SQL statements that can be...

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Today I had to set up a secure dropbox for some of our customers to deliver files to us via FTP over an SSH tunnel. However we didn’t want to just dish...

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Wow… its been a while since I’ve written anything on here. Christmas was time out with the family and then the year started with a big project, but...

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Hubot from Github is a great tool for both fun and automation. We trialled it along side our HipChat trial by installing it onto a free Heroku instance...

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A while ago I was involved in a project that wanted to convert a legacy CakePHP (v1.3) app into a Rails app. One of the problems we had to solve was...

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At work our big enterprise system generates a metric tonne of log files from various parts of the system. These can easily run to hundreds of megabytes...

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On Monday 4th November 2013, the newly formed PHP Dorset user group met for the first time. We have been referring to this as our 0th meet as originally...

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ZSH, Vim, Ruby and rbenv

 Nov 1, 2013

Over the last year I’ve gradually pushed myself towards Vim and can now say I’m a complete convert. I generally live inside Vim as much as possible...

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The second part of an experimental CakePHP asset stragtegy loosely based on the Rails asset pipeline. Part 1 can be found here.

An apology

What can...

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 Oct 8, 2013

PHPNW kicked off the weekend with a tutorial session on Friday. This was a great way to get a deeper look at some topics in a smaller group with more...

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Setting up SSH aliases

 Aug 20, 2013

This is just a short reminder on setting up aliases for SSH, making it easier to connect to remote hosts you frequently use, and to be able to customise...

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The CentOS yum repositories only have Vim 7.2 available for install, however there are a number of bug fixes and new features in the 7.3+ versions that...

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First off, I want to make sure that the original talks gets its due. You can watch it with slides on Pro Talk or via YouTube right here ...

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A little while ago I wrote about using environment variables to store various sensitive information in your application without revealing it in source...

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Sometimes you need to use a non-standard password hashing algorithm with the CakePHP Auth component. In the 2.3.x branch, you need to write a custom...

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A friend recently tipped me off about Gource, a neat tool for creating amazing visualisations of source code changes through out the lifetime of a project...

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This is the first part in my Asset Strategy series. Read the second part here..


I’ve always hated how the css/ and js/ directories of...

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Yesterday I had my first go at using the canvas element and some Javascript to draw dynamic graphics in a web app. What follows are my notes from the...

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CakePHP Behaviours

 Apr 29, 2013

CakePHP behaviours are great. They’re kind of like Ruby’s mixins with a splash of the observer thrown in.

They are specifically for the model, and...

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One of the things to be careful of in CakePHP development is the minor differences between these 2 methods and what they actually do.

The key thing...

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A week living with Vim

 Apr 14, 2013

Now first off, I know full well that only giving Vim a week is crazy. This tool can take people years to master properly so to only give it a week...

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This weekend I attended Ruby Manor, a community driven conference, and while it is targeted at the Ruby community, the chosen talks covered an eclectic...

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While I have made my career over the last decade mostly based on PHP programming, its weird and sometimes outright insane gotcha’s still get me on a...

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I write most, if not all, of my client side code in Coffeescript now. While thats fine in Rails, which has a great asset management system, in other...

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It should be common knowledge that you never put sensitive information into source control, but recently its been shown that many developers leave paswords...

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There are plenty of posts around the internet that detail how to install Postgresql, however I recently had a hell of a time getting it running on...

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Just the other day I needed to find out if we were messing around with some code in our codebase at a certain date where a bug appears to have been...

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A little tip on getting PHP 5.4 installed on the latest OSX.

OSX ML ships with PHP 5.3 installed but the latest version is now on 5.4.

I’m a big fan...

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This is a task I add to my capistrano recipes to ensure that the branch being deployed is always pushed to the remote prior to deploy

task :push do
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I use Git Flow and Capistrano Multistage to manage deployment of my web apps, which means I can be deploying lots of different branches to our test...

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Customising IRB

 Feb 19, 2013

I only just came across this the other day, so other people using Ruby, at least those new to it, may not know this either.

What’s irb? (Just in case...

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Formatting Dates in Ruby

 Feb 17, 2013

Every time I come to format a date as a string in Ruby I spend 10 minutes looking up the tokens to get the formatting right. They just don’t seem to...

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Normally all the validation rules are stored in the model class in the validate var

public $validate = array();

However, sometimes you need to...

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One of the things some people don’t know to do when they grab an open source Ruby on Rails app from Github (or elsewhere) is to change the secret token...

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There are all sorts of ways you could set up a sitemap for your rails 3.1 application.

If you want to add urls dynamically, from blog posts for example...

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Sometimes an action or link needs to take the user back to where they came from each time rather than to an explicit location. When this happens CakePHP...

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Recreate All Your Records

 Jan 18, 2013

This may seem like a pretty unlikely situation, but occasionally you may need to recreate all records in a particular table, and you want it done via...

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Over recent months I’ve been using Vagrant and virtualised development environments.

The ease of setup and being able to exactly mirror the final...

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I share my iTunes library with a couple of friends at work, and today one of them pointed out that my Voice Memos from my iPhone were publicly available...

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I came across this again the other day and this is a shameless repost, but I think they are great pointers to any programmer

  1. Understand and accept...

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I’ve always been intrigued with changing my keyboard layout to improve my typing speed

As a developer by profession, I spend (and have spent) the majority...

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Just a short post this time. I came across this little gotcha when working on an offline iOS app using HTML5 Cache Manifest and Javascript

var date
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A Better Git Commit Log

 Oct 3, 2012

Git commit logs need to provide information, but if they are too wordy they can hide the changes/issues covered and make a mess of reports generated...

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