There are all sorts of ways you could set up a sitemap for your rails 3.1 application.
If you want to add urls dynamically, from blog posts for example, here is one way to do it
First off at a route to your config/routes.rb
match '/sitemap' => 'sitemap#index'
Then generate a new controller with an index action
$ rails g controller sitemap index
Once this is done, you can delete most of the files that are auto generated with the controller as we won’t be styling it or adding scripts.
- assets/stylesheets/sitemap.css.scss
- assets/javascripts/
- helpers/sitemap_helper.rb
Next up we need to modify the index action to generate our data for the sitemap view
class SitemapController < ApplicationController
layout nil
def index
last_post = Post.last
if stale?(:etag => last_post, :last_modified => last_post.updated_at.utc)
respond_to do |format|
format.xml do
@posts = Post.all
The stale? method will respond with a HTTP 304 Not Modified if there have been no new posts
Lastly the view that was created will be for the HTML response, so you need to create a views/sitemap/index.xml.erb
<% base_url = "http://#{request.host_with_port}" %>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<urlset xmlns="">
<% @posts.each do |post| %>
<loc><%= base_url + post_path(post) %></loc>
<lastmod><%= post.updated_at.iso8601 %></lastmod>
<% end %>
- Stackoverflow Thread about Rails Sitemaps that inspired this post
- Sitemap Gem if you want something with more features
- Remember to check out Google Webmaster Tools and submit your new sitemap